
ETEC 512 64B Group 3







Welcome to ETEC 512 64B Team 3’s “Constructivism” Project Site.  This site was designed to facilitate discussion of Constructivism in practice. The site was developed for ETEC 512 at the University of British Columbia, Canada.


This site and its content was written, developed and researched by Tracey Best, Alix Burdett, Noah BurdettSabrina Forangy, and Michel Lacoursiere.

First, a "word" about "buzz words"


To many teachers "constructivism" is yet another "buzz word".  Watch the video clip below. In this clip you will find the rant of a teacher who has simply had enough of learning theories, buzz words, and new teaching initiatives. Do you ever feel the same way?


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Actually, constructivism is much more than another "buzz word". It is a wholistic prescription for teaching methods that acknowledge the Cognitive, Developmental and Social learning theories we have been learning about.





The above image depicts a group of people building a structure. We can use this image as an iconic metaphor for Constructivism.  Each learner has a unique learning scaffold constructed from their individual personal history. New learning experiences are incorporated into this framework. Also, we construct our knowledge in social contexts.

Image source:



  • It is recommended that you complete the required readings early in the week and progress through the following pages sequentially.
  • There are no set days on which you have to post or read certain topics, please feel free to comment and discuss as you progress through the material.
  • Be sure to visit previous dicussions later in the week to read replies and respond.


  • The easiest way to navigate through our material and facilitate discussion is by progressing through it sequentially.
  • Please use the numbered links on the sidebar to the right or use the Previous Page and Next Page links located at the bottom of each page.



  • Discussion can be completed by viewing the discussion section on the bottom of each page and following the link to the appropriate Symposium Discussion.
  • Each discussion thread will have a corresponding page title to make your responses easier to organize.
  • Please feel free to start your own threads within the Symposium Discussion, you may link to additional relevant readings and resources, start off-topic (but related) threads, or pose your own questions to the class.


  • In order to facilitate discussion and make key questions clear they will be marked with the folowing image and text:


When you see this image and blue text please take the time to join in the discussion and share your views on the Constructivism Symposium Discussion Group.



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